Friday, August 20, 2010

The Alma Mater

On the way back from Sesame Place, we stopped in Princeton.

The class of 2028 is already trembling in its collective shoes.

Here's Zoe in the arch in Walker Hall, right under the room where Daddy lived in 1985-1986.

Zoe wanted to go wading in the pool by the Woodrow Wilson building.

Walter Kirn descibed that sculpture in the pool as looking like someone took the turkey carcass (picked clean) on Thanksgiving, turned it on its side, and stuck it in the middle of the table.

By the bye, I was very impressed that when I bought Zoe a tiger at the U store, they checked "Van Gelder" in the system and found me immediately. ... even though I probably haven't used the store in 25 years. By contrast, Citibank had a CD of mine but couldn't even manage to get my name straight after I wrote to them twice.

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