Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting ready for Halloween

Zoe is trying out her princess dress in anticipation of Halloween.

Pillow pet

Someone was very happy to get a unicorn pillow pet yesterday.

(Now just watch---all the Google ads for this page will probably be for Pillow Pets.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Today's last batch of pictures

3 portraits

Zoe posed for three portrait shots. Unfortunately, getting her to sit still long enough for the camer to take the shot proved problematic. . . .

Like herding cats

Zoe showed tremendous patience in waiting for a chance to lead a Japanese bobtail cat through an agility course. When she finally went, she did very well. The shots aren't great---it's hard to catch a catwrangler in action---but they should convey some sense of what it

Siamese cats

Zoe went to the Meet the Breeds show at the Javits Center today. Here's the first of many pictures.

Zoe was smitten with the Siamese cats. (She liked the stuffed toys of Lady and the Tramp also.)

Zoe also liked the sheepdogs.

Dressing up

Zoe loves to dress up. Today it was Mommy's sweater that made the ensemble work. (Sorry the first shot didn't come out.)

Zoe loves to dress up. Today it was Mommy's sweater that made the ensemble work.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stomping grounds

The last two pictures are Zoe making Halloween monster faces.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese

Zoe and her friend Nicholas met up at Chuck E. Cheese last week. Lots of fun ensued.

Monday, October 4, 2010