Sunday, September 20, 2009

out on the town again

Here are a few pics from Zoe's latest trip to Hoboken (9/19/09).

Whose Dungeon Is This?

These two pictures aren't quite as strange as they look.

See, Zoe was in the basement yesterday and she saw her old high chair. It looked like fun, so she climbed up into it.

Meanwhile, I noticed a copy of WHOSE NOSE IS THIS? and realized Zoe hasn't read it yet, so I brought it over to her.

And why is she wearing that hat? I don't know, but the producers of GRUMPY OLD MEN really want it back.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Zoe at the park

I brought the camera yesterday when we went to the park so I got some good shots of Zoe. In the pictures where she's working in chalk, her artwork consists of a portrait of me and a self-portrait.